The other day my neighbor and sister-n-law asked me point blank, “So, what do you eat for breakfast?”

I chuckled to myself because there are some days when I fix my breakfast and I think, “Wow, what a beautiful meal!”  So much so, I take a picture of it!

My breakfast choices over the years have gone from one extreme to  the other. I bought into the cereal and skim milk add a banana for  good measure “sales pitch” and in hindsight, even as a dietitian, could not  figure out why in the heck am I hungry one hour later. How will I ever maintain a healthy weight if I am hungry all day?

Fortunately, we are now “waking up” to the truth about breakfast, pun intended!

What is that truth?

Starting your day with a high carbohydrate low fat load sets you up for a day filled with uncontrolled blood sugar levels, which leads to increased appetite and cravings.

So, what do I eat for breakfast?

Today, I start off my first meal of the day with a totally different mindset.

I aim to have a nice balance of the three major macronutrients, carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fat.  My goal is to eat no more than 15 grams of carbohydrates at any given meal, which by the way is only 1 slice of toast, for those of you wondering.  My ultimate goal is to not have a grain source of carbohydrates. Instead I lean towards a source that comes from fruits and vegetables.

Here are two examples of what I typically eat?

A nice balance of healthy carbs, protein, and fat.

Since I changed my own opinion of fat, I no longer live to eat all morning long.  Instead, I eat to live. I walk away from the breakfast table completely satisfied, and I slowly ease into signs of hunger towards the next meal.  No longer do I experience these “GOTTA EAT NOW” moments, which as you know only leads you to the vending machine or a bag of chips. My blood sugar is controlled and I have time to prepare a healthy snack or meal because of this.

So, there you have it, Sister N Law.  It’s what I eat for breakfast!

Enjoy your food!

